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TasK Force Scrutinizes Economic Crisis

The debate over how to remake the U.S. financial regulatory system includes a new legal voice formed by the American Bar Association (ABA).

The ABA Task Force on Financial Markets Regulatory Reform, convened by H. Thomas Wells, ABA president, is composed of leaders in financial regulatory law. The goal is to study and analyze the legal and regulatory implications of the recent financial crisis, related to the practice of law and effective representation of clients. Review and evaluation of relevant ABA policies concerning regulation of the U.S. financial markets will be looked over also.

Members of the task force are serving solely in their personal capacity as experts and not on behalf of their employer or clients.

Members are:

Giovanni Prezioso (co-chair)
William Kroener III (co-chair)
Lynne Barr
Allan Joseph
Roberta Karmel
John Liftin
Martin Lybecker
Alan Morrison
Robert Mundheim
Raymond Natter
Simon M. Lorne
William John Williams, Jr.
Richard M. Whiting
Cornelius K. Hurley (reporter)

The American Bar Association is the largest voluntary professional membership organization in the world.